On Thu, 10 Dec 2015 10:07:09 +0000
Mark Morgan Lloyd <markmll.laza...@telemetry.co.uk> wrote:

> >> ! /usr/local/bin/lazarus-1.4.2+3.0.0
> > 
> > 1.4.2 used FPC 2.6.4.
> > 1.6 will be the first release with FPC 3.0.
> Those are tested combinations. 1.4.2 (which was the latest 1.4.x when I 
> did the work) works reliably with 3.0.0, and is the first workable 
> combination if you want to avoid the trunk/development revisions.

True for Unix like OS.
Not so true for Windows.

I'm glad that it works for your tests, but in general the safe advice
is 1.4.2 with FPC 2.6.4.

> I'm prepared to say to people "you're going to have to build something 
> from source, but it's no big deal". I'm not prepared to say to them 
> "you're going to have to build from bleeding-edge sources, and there's a 
> risk they won't work".

Then you should say to people: use the released combinations (e.g. 1.4.2
with FPC 2.6.4).


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