A few months ago I was trying to find a workable Microsoft SQL Server
client/editor on Linux and couldn't find anything decent in the FOSS zone.
I ended up writing my own simple SQL client/editor:


The basic functionality is/was:

Connect to a server running MSSQL from Linux.
Allow the user to list/change databases.
Allow the user to execute SQL, either select statements, or other
statements including create/drop database.
Show the query results in a result window at the bottom using tabular
formatted text.

Question 1:

Is there any project (which doesn't require a whole lot of extras like a
Java environment) that does what I've described in a cross platform manner
and is easy to use and is trustworthy?

Question 2:

If the pickings are slim in answer to Question 1, are they many people here
who want a simple cross platform SQL client/editor, possibly with both
MySQL and MSSQL support?
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