
I don't want a "visual" table builder and I'm unsure how many others do.
All I want is something to connect me to a database engine where I can then
execute bits of SQL (it executes what you highlight), which is what my
program does.

Lazarus database desktop seems geared towards everything I don't want. I
don't see MSSQL support. I don't want to setup ODBC DSNs, I just want a
straight MSSQL connection. I don't see an simple create/test connection
screen. Right clicking in a blank list view to get a menu and then
selecting an option is just bad design. Straight off I don't see a SQL
editor either.

So I think you'll understand why I don't want to use Lazarus database
desktop, and no I don't want to improve it. I'd rather have a stand alone
program for anyone to use on any platform which can connect to MSSQL (or
MySQL) and let you edit and execute SQL. And finally I don't see the point
of using the Lazarus moniker for such a tool.
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