On 04/25/2016 10:31 AM, Sven Barth wrote:
Am 25.04.2016 16:59 schrieb "Bo Berglund" <bo.bergl...@gmail.com>:

I need to create a console program, but one that works similar to the
nano editor, the gpsd position/satellite view or raspi-config on a
Raspberry Pi.
I.e. the program manages the full terminal screen and displays its
data in certain areas on screen and reads keystrokes as commands for
controlling the program.
I once did such programs on Windows using BASIC, but that was before
Windows appeared and I have all but forgotten how it was actually
So I am looking for some examples to start off where the cursor for
writing is positioned on the screen in order to put output data in
certain places and commands can be entered without moving the
displayed screen.

Is there such an example for FPC/Lazarus available somewhere?
Target is Raspbian on a Raspberry Pi3 and I cannot use any GUI system
for this because it must be accessed remotely via SSH (PuTTY) over a
slow link that does not work decently with the graphical interface.

One example would be the Free Pascal's text mode IDE that you can find in
the compiler's sources in ide/. It uses the Free Vision component system
that's an open source clone of Turbo Pascal's Turbo Vision (FV is also part
of FPC).

About two years ago (on 26 May 2014) I put together a mini FPC distribution that compiled the FP IDE:

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