Ooooowwww, i undertood you wrong. The TImage should resize, not the image inside it, since that last works:

But you want the opposite.

it should be fixed in r11945
This had nothing to do with the changed graphics. Seen the code I doubt if it had ever worked before.

Here are the scenarios that should actually work.
Imagine I have a file mypicture.png in the same directory as my app, with dimensions of 500x500.

Scenario 1:

I run:
Img := TImage.Create;
Img.Parent := Form1; //Etc. until it's visible.
Img.Autosize := True;
Img.Stretch := False;

Expected result:
Img.Width becomes 500, Img.Height becomes 500, I can see the entire mypicture.png unscaled - same as if I opened it in my webbrowser.

Status: This always worked before, it stopped working with the last version I have (I am updating to the latest right now) - this was what prompted my report.

Scenario 2:

I do all the same as before BUT:

Img.Stretch := True;

Expected result:
Img.Width and Img.Height are unchanged. MyPicture.Png is SCALED to the size of Img. If I now change the dimensions of Img, the visible picture on the screen should resize. I do NOT know what autosize's value should be for this - but I've tested with both true and false.

Status: This has never worked before but it is supposed to if we are to be compatible with delphi timage. I wasn't really reporting on this - though I think you originally thought I was. Is this working now ?

That should hopefully clarify what I meant. My other report (about stretchdraw) I withdraw, turns out my test image was corrupted.

fn:AJ Venter
org:Global Pact Trading Pty. Ltd.;OutKast Solutions
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Director of Product Development
tel;work:+27 21 554 5059
tel;fax:+27 21 413 2800
tel;cell:+27 83 455 9978

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