Graeme Geldenhuys rašė:
On 29/01/2008, A.J. Venter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Well I wasn't actually saying it would be the answer for you right now -
but I wanted to fix the misconception - it is possible to use a custom
theme for just your program, ship it with it etc.

I understand that you can ship a custom theme (rc file or whatever)
for GTK with your application. Somebody else told me that before.  But
I needed more flexibility by changing the appearance of a _single_
component on-demand (eg: TEdit's background to clError [yellow] when
there was a validation issue).  All this is water under the bridge for
me now - we are already 2.5 years into development. Why to late to
change GUI toolkits again.

I implemented this in another way: when i need to show where user entered invalid data (f.e. TEdit) i simply draw animated frame around that control (for this i writted component "error shower": at startup they collect all TControl's with "error showing feature", and at runtime i tell for him where need error to show).

P.S. sorry for bad English.

  Valdas Jankūnas

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