1. md5
When running lbackup, at some point the command md5 is invoked:

(line 47)
and in the same directory
mail_standard_attachment.sh (line 45)

On ubuntu, md5 seems not to be part of the standard distribution, at least not by that name. On ubuntu the respective command is md5sum.

2. sendmail
sendmail is not configured on my system:
sendmail: fatal: open /etc/postfix/main.cf: No such file or directory
It seems a big requirement needing to configure sendmail just for sending mail from a shell script.

There's a dead simple to use alternative: sendemail (http://caspian.dotconf.net/menu/Software/SendEmail/).
It's perl-based but requires no other modules, hence runs off the
cuff. It supports everything required by lbackup including attaching files, yet in a simpler way (e.g. no need to base64-encode attachments "manually").

Replacing sendmail with sendemail would also rid us of the missing md5 problem (1. above). If anyone's interested I could provide patches.

3. symlinks and samba
My destination for the backup happens to be a mounted samba drive which lacks support of symbolic links. These occur in some situations of my source to be backed up.
Is there a standard way to deal with this situation?
(I think none of rsync's options satisfactorily handle this particular case: I would like to reproduce the exact same state from my backup. --links: With the target filesystem's lack of support for symbolic links, simple copying is not available.
--copy-links: Collapsing of links is not the same as keeping them verbatim)

4. rsync options
Is there a standard way to plug in options into the rsync command invoked by lbackup?

Maybe lbackup could do a prerequisite check whether all required tools are present? And possibly dispatch to different commands depending on the OS?

if uname -a | grep -i ubuntu >/dev/null 2>&1; then


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