Hi Johnathan,

From what I can see of the file you've copied in, the expected result would be 
for the folders that you have excluded to show in the backup destination 
however the folders should be empty. You can change this behaviour by removing 
the * at the end of each path. Also, I can see you've excluded the Applications 
folder etc. This is only relevant when you are backing up the whole hard drive, 
so there is wasted config there that you could trim to keep things tidy.

Check inside the folders in the backup destination and see if any files were 
actually copied into the folders, in theory they should be empty.


Michael Williams

On 31/08/2011, at 9:37 PM, Johnathan Clarke wrote:

> Guys 
> Bellow is a copy of my Excludes TXT I really only want to back up some 
> folders in side of the /users/*****1 folder (*****1 being first user *****2 
> is a test user that is not used) 
> Mac osx SL
> Rysnc 3 
> however it hasn't excluded any of the folders and they have all copied over  
> config 
> backupSource="/Users/*****1"
> */Library/Caches/*
> */Library/Icons/*
> /Applications
> /Developer
> /Library
> /System
> /Network
> /Volumes
> /dev
> /net
> /home
> /.Spotlight-V100
> /etc
> /var
> /tmp
> /bin
> /cores
> /mach_kernel
> /mach_kernel.ctfsys
> /private
> /sbin
> /usr
> /.vol
> /.hotfiles.btree
> /.fseventsd
> /.com.apple.timemachine.supported
> /.Trashes
> /.DS_Store
> /lbackup
> /Users/****2/*
> /Users/*****1/Shared/*
> /Users/*****1/Public/*
> /Users/*****1/Sites/*
> /Users/*****1/Dropbox/*
> /Users/*****1/basic_backup_test/*
> /Users/*****1/Library/*
> On 31/08/2011, at 8:57 AM, henri wrote:
>>> You can also do a reverse excludes as well, but I personally don't know how 
>>> to do that.
>> This page provides some details regarding creating an excludes list with the 
>> items you want to backup specified within the excludes.txt file : 
>> http://bit.ly/qL2L9r
>> Having support for multiple source directories in a future version is 
>> certainly a possibility. However, this then makes some pre-action scripts 
>> more complex. 
>> Please note that on the link listed above, it mentions that support for 
>> verification of data (yet to be implemented) may not work correctly if you 
>> use the excludes.txt file as a list of items which you would like to backup.
>> If you have any questions or require assistance with your excludes.txt then 
>> just reply to this message.
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