In Virginia, our Elders Quorum used to provide a weekly newsletter
which summarized the meetings.  It would be distributed to all the
Elders and those that couldn't attend.  With a really good Secretary,
this can be possible.


On 11/30/06, Richard K Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This is a topic we discussed on our blog:

One of the commenters pointed out that in the most recent General
Conference Elder Eyring told the story of a deacons quorum who
recorded (audio) their class for a quorum member who couldn't
attend.  The guidelines are probably stricter for sacrament meeting,
but maybe an exception could be made for shut-ins?  Who can authorize
that exception?

On Nov 30, 2006, at 9:07 AM, Tony Fenleish wrote:

> For the record the wards that have done recordings are audio, not
> video.
> Is
> there something against distributing the audio recording of talks?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "A. Rick Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "LDS Open Source Software" <>
> Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 9:34 AM
> Subject: Re: [Ldsoss] Shut-ins and the Sacrament Meeting
> | Tony Fenleish wrote:
> | > We have a good amount of shut-ns in our stake, and the question
> was
> | > recently
> | > asked "How can we get the sacrement 'meeting' to our shut-
> ins?".  Some
> | > wards
> | > tape it and then take the tape around to the shut-ins. Some
> just take
> the
> | > sacrament to them and they never feel like they know what is
> going on.
> We
> | > have about 50 shut-ins stake wide.
> | >
> | > Anyone out there have a unique way in which they work with this
> issue?
> |
> | As a point of information, video-taping in the chapel is not only
> | discouraged, but explicitly banned in the latest hand book of
> | instructions.  Given the frequency with which stake conferences and
> | other services are broadcast to gyms and other buildings, and
> recorded
> | in the process, this instruction seems to be more honored in the
> breach
> | then the observance.
> |
> | --
> | A. Rick Anderson
> |
> | _______________________________________________

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