I was going through past mailing list messages (I have 1301 on hand :)
and was trying to find out what had been going on with patching 2.4 for

I remembered that the LRP patches were made obsolete, both by massive
changes to the kernel initrd code and by the future removal of initrd,
as well as by the combined patch that Charles and Dave C. have
available.  Then there is Jacques' work in making the LEAF patches
obsolete permanently.

If I read his docs right, this is *MUCH* simpler than I thought. 
Remember that the Oxygen root.lrp is basically stripped as far as I can
get it already - for example, it doesn't have inetd, cron, sed, libc,
and other things...  I don't think it even has init...

If I understand right, the steps are:

1. Create and compile a kernel of your choice.
2. Create a Minix file system and populate it with the contents of
3. Compress the Minix filesystem with gzip and put on disk as initrd.gz
4. Modify linuxrc to run /sbin/init at the end
5. Modify syslinux.cfg with new kernel parameters: initrd=initrd.gz

Is this right?  Then to update the initrd.gz could be like thus:

1. Create root.lrp
2. Create secondary Minix filesystem
3. Unarchive root.lrp in new filesystem
4. Compress new filesystem with gzip
5. Put initrd.gz on disk
6. Unmount and destroy ramdisk used to create image

...this requires a lot of memory (to create another file system).  It
has the benefit of not requiring changes to the package managers, since
they will create root.lrp just like always.

Anyway, updating root.lrp really should only be done by us developers
anyway - since packages would be the way to go otherwise.

Being able to use no patches would remove the dependence on patches that
don't exist, allow upgrading 2.4 based systems to 2.4.16 - most I've
seen are 2.4.5! - and would allow LEAF to work when initrd is removed

Sounds better and better all the time.

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