On Friday 08 February 2002 22:00, Matt Schalit wrote:
> > ATA-Disk module (ADM) and it's write-protect features:
> > > >Here is the 40pin 5V ADM schematic. This is using the LD017
> > > >controller.  In the schematic R8 is used as an option for WP.
> I think this is the crux.  It's being used.  It's being
> tied to ground by the presense of ground on IDE cable pin 30,
> and the existence of a zero-ohm resistor, ie. a short to gnd.

a zero-ohm resistor is for circuit protection and yes pin 30 is ground
on regular IDE as is pin 2.

> Not a general feature if IDE I would agree.  For a regular IDE drive,
> disconnecting or strapping an IDE pin low or high, such as DIOW or
> DIOR (23 or 25 I think) would interrupt the writing of command
> signals to the drive's onboard controller.  At least that's how I
> understand it so far.

Nope, pin 23 drops the acknowledgement of the drive itself out of the 
BIOS .... "no drive found to boot". I tried this a couple of days ago 
thinking the same thing.

> >     - If R8 is vacent, the device behaves normally (ie no
> > write-protect)
> I see the exact opposite.  It's gnd now according to the docs with R8
> present and it's write enabled.  If you remove R8, then you are
> trying to do the opposite, ie protect it.  But is floating it
> correct?

If pin 30 is grounded (as normally done) and you add R8,
R8 then grounds out pin 1 (reset) and _then_ the drive is write

If you've now read this far, you get the cookie. Earlier today I hacked
a jumper in an IDE cable between pin 1 (reset) and pin 2 (grnd) and 
started the P166. The BIOS acknowledged the flash drive (not a CF,
but a regular IDE flash drive) and kept trying to reset the drive. It 
started to boot and failed. I thought, "well that sucks" and left it
there. Just a couple of minutes ago, I was working by it and thought 
I might just boot it again, which I did, but this time it wasn't
cycling the "reset" as it had before and booted. I logged in and tried
to mount the drive ..... it gave me io errors and would not mount the 
drive. I rebooted 4 more times with the same exact results. I took the 
jumper out and booted again, I could mount and write to the drive.
Apparently the BIOS updated itself after the first boot and decided 
to work for me.

In a nutshell, jumpering pins 1 & 2 on a regular IDE setup from around
1996 will write-protect a regular IDE drive. I will try this with a 
harddrive as soon as I get around to Syslinux'ing one. 

Can anyone else try and verify this for me ??? 

I won't guarentee anything at this point other than it worked for me
on the only box I've tried it on.

I apologize for being off-topic for using IDE instead of a ADM that I do
not have.


~Lynn Avants
aka Guitarlynn

guitarlynn at users.sourceforge.net

If linux isn't the answer, you've probably got the wrong question!

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