At 2002-02-08 20:14 -0800, Matt Schalit wrote:
>On the other hand, the tech told Mike the following:
> > I just got off the phone with one of the tech support
> > guys at SST. He sent me the schematic for the ADM device. They
> > placed a resister R-8 on the ADM that can be shunted to ground to
> > enable WP. He said this will work with standard IDE/motherboard
> > configurations.
>So the tech says that the resistor can be shunted to ground.
>I thought that's what the schematic says it's doing because
>pin30 on the IDE cable is ground.

You're assuming that I understood what the SST engineer was telling me, and 
that I was able to express it correctly in my post. Neither of these things 
is guaranteed, as I know next to nothing about electrical engineering.

I told the SST engineer that I would pass the schematic on to people who 
would be able to assess it's viability for our application.


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