Serge Caron wrote:
> Glad to be of service!
> >I am confused ;<
> >
> >[1] Shouldn't your sed process:
> >
> > sed -e "/^etc/d" -e "/^[/]etc/d" -e "/^[.][/]etc/d" \
> > ${pkg} > ${pkg}.light
> >
> >actually be this?
> >
> > sed -n "/^[./]*etc/p" ${pkg} > ${pkg}.light
> I am only concerned with deleting lines that start with etc..., /etc..., and
> ./etc... (Note that this will match a directory like /etcold but I don't
> care). So the first attempt is to produce a new file list that does not have
> any of those lines.

This is where I get lost.  When you said:

``When I want to backup, I simply remove the write protect tab on the
floppy. I can assure you that it takes a lot of config data to fill
1.6Mb of compressed space.''

I thought that you were backing up *only* config data.  How does your
sed process facilitate this quoted intent of yours?

By-the-by, this is considerably faster:

        sed -e "/^[./]*etc/d" ${pkg} > ${pkg}.light

> >[2] How do you account for ${pkg}.exclude.list?
> ${pkg}.exclude.list is a proper substring of ${pkg}.list and therefore gets
> included in the for loop.

Yes, I know; but, how does including excluded data facilitate your

> >[3] How do you account for CONF files that do not reside under /etc?
> >
> This particular code snippet treated /etc one way and /var a completely
> different way. I could integrate both by producing a different exclusion
> list for the default store. I'll think about it.

Yes, or similarly . . .

> >[4] Where do you get `cmp'?
> cmp is a busybox applet. If don't have Andersen kit at hand, there is a
> rather plump busybox on the discussion.img disk that I referred to earlier
> this week. O'Reilly "Linux in a nutshell" has proper documentation for it.

I know that it is available; but, it is *not* included in DCD -- is it
included in Oxygen?  I do not argue against its usage; rather, I am
often frustrated by lack of real awk, sed and sort -- not to mention cmp
and diff ;<

What do you think?


Best Regards,

mds resource

Dare to fix things before they break . . .

Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional to how much we
think we know.  The more I know, the more I know I don't know . . .

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