Hello Lynnand all other configurators  
I did read the mails but kept back to not disturb the brainstorming ;) 

sorry for the long post.
> > This works fine for things like ifconfig/route, and even
> > iptables/ipchains, where the built configuration resides in memory, but
> > it begins to fail when configuration is via a file on the "disk".  Using
> > dhcpd as an example, not only does the configuration file have to be
> > intelligently updated if a variable it depends on changes, something has
> > to restart (or HUP or whatever) the daemon to get it to recognize it's
> > config has been updated.
> Duly noted. Where does the responsibility of the 'check' and 'restart' lie?
> This would seem to be the respnsibility of the back-end (save-script), on
> first glance. Would a "trigger" be a good method? Would a seperate db 
> need to be made to keep track of "triggers" and the needed information?
> I'm assuming a dynamic db based on a list of used variables contained
> in the package itself. Thoughts?
I was thinking in the same line  
parrallel to the database containing the (global) variables there 
should be a  database with a tree structure like
The value of dependant file is the action to take after change ( hup 
restart etc)  

during change of value varname ( by Api)  you could use a script like:

for file in  /dbtree/dependancy/varname/*  do  update $file  
which means touch the /actiontree/update/$file
so after all the value changes are ready and you do a "commit"

all the files in actiontree/update/$files are filled with their vars and
written to the original config files  
after doing this the  actions (hup, restart reload or whatever are 
I know this last part is still bad formulated. ( Isn't clear for me yet)
> > I think the best general solution so far has been presented by Chad
> > Carr.  A templating system, combined with a configuration database or
> > tree, allows boot-time creation of customized configuration files from
> > standard (unmodified from distribution form) pacakges and localized
> > configuration information.  With a standard package <> congifutation
> > API, the configuration system can support "callbacks" or similar,
> > letting a package know when values it depends on have been modified,
> > triggering a rewrite of the configuration file, the restarting of a
> > daemon, or whatever else might be necessary.
> With some playing, I'm starting to agree with this to a point. A tree that 
> contained '/path/variable/value' would be simple to set and change. 
> However pairing the variable/value might not be too fun to use in
> the files that use this infomation. Considering this, if there was an 
> added single db file that would concentrate the tree db information,
> there would be an option to easily find 'where' to change a value
> (by hand) and location to source for the run-time packages themselves.

> Let's say something like this:
> /db-tree/interfaces/eth1/ip_address  (contains
> /etc/db.cfg contains:
> PREFIX=/db-tree
> LAN_IP='cat /$PREFIX/interfaces/eth1/ip_address'
> Then the application uses:
> source /etc/db.cfg
> #Internal interface ip address to use
> Thoughts???

3 playing examples :
to get a directory structure and a database file in sync so they are not 

# reads variables from database and creates a dir structure

sed 's/=/ /g' $database |while read varname value
cd $configdir
set -- `echo $varname |sed 's/_/ /g' `
while [ "x$2" != "x" ]
mkdir  $1
cd $1
echo $value >$1

# reads files from dirs and assigns them
# to a var = value pair in newvars
rm $database
cd $configdir

find .  -type f  |while read file
value=`cat $file`
varname=`echo $file |sed 's/^\.\///g'|sed 's/\//_/g' `
echo "$varname=$value" >>$database


# called as fillinvars  templatefile realconfigfile
. $database
rm $2
cat $1 |while read line
# the next lines could be omitted if we don't want to have 
# comments in the real config ( only in template)
[ " `echo $line |cut -c1 "" = "#" ] 
echo $line >>$2
eval echo $line >> $2   # this is the only real one ;) 

Ofcourse it certainly can be done more elegant more clean and 
without showing  error messages. ( I am not a unix coder anyhow ;) )
I just added this scripts to show that it should be doable without much 

a template would then look like

# lots of comments
ALL: $eth1_ip/$eth1_netmask

the real config file

Packages could contain only the templates not the realconfigs as 
they are created at boot time.

any thoughts,flames,comments 

Eric Wolzak
member of the bering crew

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