Am Montag, 20. Juni 2011, 01:38:59 schrieb Mike Noyes:
> On Mon, 2011-06-20 at 00:23 +0200, Erich Titl wrote:
> > Hi KP
> > 
> > on 19.06.2011 20:48, KP Kirchdoerfer wrote:
> > ...
> > 
> > > - the current leaf/leaf repository consists now only  of the
> > > "buildtool", the environment (buildtool, sources and build helpers)
> > > for Bering-uClibc4.
> > > 
> > > Andrews proposal is to (once again and hopefully finally) move all the
> > > current "buildtool" content to a more speaking name: bering-uclibc4
> > > directory. That way we may add more directories for development under
> > > leaf/leaf, like bering-uclibc5, bering-uclibc-mips,
> > > bering-uclibc-experimental..., developement trees, which may be added
> > > if branching gets too complicated, or to give other LEAF variants a
> > > place to live.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Is that we can all agree with?
> > > Erich?
> > 
> > As long as bering-uclibc4 is not the parent of bering-uclibc5 as
> > mentioned above. I woudl use something more neutral as the top level and
> > use GIT as the branch manager.
> Everyone,
> I'd prefer us to move bering-uclibc to its own repository, and retain
> leaf for common packages (cvs examples: sourceforge, doc, etc.). Does
> this sound like a reasonable/logical split that will avoid
> confusion/future-problems?
>         leaf leaf
>         leaf packages
>         leaf bering-uclbic

Andrew wrote:

> I mean repository for each new project that is slightly differ from
> other, or that will require different access rights, or that shouldn't
> take advantage from 'git rebase' due to very different
> versioning/software. Or for new version if old one becomes unsupported.
> In two words - this is for projects/versions that can't/shouldn't
> interact with other branches by any reason.
> I think that BuC5 may become one of such projects (major version IMHO
> will be changed only due to heavy modification of toolchain/software
> that'll cause incompatibility with old manuals/packages). For ex., if
> we'll move building code from buildtool to makefiles, or different
> building system.

and Erich wrote:
> As long as bering-uclibc4 is not the parent of bering-uclibc5 as
> mentioned above. I woudl use something more neutral as the top level and
> use GIT as the branch manager.

Ok; Mikes proposal sounds reasoanble and I think a repository each leaf 
project is a way to go.
In the repository we can one or more directories := different major versions of 
a project. In the past Bering-uClibc major version changed mostly when uClibc 
changed significantly and broke binary compatibility, the second version number 
was reserved for major updates, esp. kernel updates, the third for fixes.
The last two can be handled with branching in the directory.
I read the man page for "git rebase" and it talks about branches
Bering-Uclibc 5 will introduce maor changes (uClibc, buildtool), but as long 
as it's an evolutionary process and the developers agree to build together a 
new version while maintaining the old. *If* there will be disagreement about 
the future, Bering-uClibc5 may be forked and put into a new repository as a 
completly different project. Like Bering-uClibc was a fork of Bering, and 
therefor a new LEAF project.

So we'll have the repositories:
leaf/Bering (if there would be further development)
leaf/packages (for binaries)

in the repository leaf/bering-uclibc we could have the directories
bering-uclibc4 (today buildtool)

as I said as long as the developers agree to work together and therefor should 
be interested to push and pull also from new directories.

In the leaf/bering-uclibc/bering-uclibc4 directory we can have two or three 
remote branches
master with the latest development tree leading to 4.1 or whatever
4_0_1 with fixes  and security updates for 4.0
later 4_1_1 with fixes for 4.1
I'm not shure about remote branches (how to tag, when to delete...), what be 
in the end the stable versions (4.0 or 4.0.1) once we stop working on 
But I guess this can be figured out and learned in the process.

If we do agree, I'm creating the new bering-uclibc repository and everyone 
should have a clean local git so moving from leaf/leaf/buildtool to 
leaf/bering-uclibc/bering-uclibc4 does not harm too much. (Though I'm not 
shure if this works as seamless as I hope.)

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