
> I needed to perform transparent proxying wherein
> web clients
> from both public and private net can access my
> internal web
> site.

  Why do you need the transparent proxy? Do you need a reverse proxy to speed 
up web access (local cache), do you need load balancing, do you need extra 

> Now my problem is that, the setup ended getting
> abused
> as it was used to send spam all over. 

  Do you run some kind of webmail? If the problem is spam related, most 
probably your users are using your wemail system to send spam. In that case, 
a proxy wont help you at all. You have to educate your users, impose some 
restrictions (like number of emails a day a user can send) or improve your 
user selection. Still, nothing to do with the proxy.

  But I believe most probably you have been banned because of an open proxy. 
In this case, your proxy does its work even with urls that you dont control 
and this is bad. You have to configure the proxy to allow petitions only for 
those domains you control and that are BEHIND the reverse proxy.

> My IP got
> black listed
> on some sites and so on. An exact explanation of
> what
> happend is found here:
> http://www.fr2.cyberabuse.org/?page=abuse-proxy

  Reading this page clarifies ALL. Now my guess was right. You have not been 
banned because of spam but because you have an OPEN RELAY proxy. Configure it 

  For local users I dont recall right now if SQUID allowed for different 
behaviour in different interfaces. If yes, configure it properly, if not, try 
to run two instances of squid or use a different box.

> My question now is, how do I get this requirement
> properly
> set? I needed to do transparent proxying at port
> 80
> and at the same time, avoid getting abused. Any
> hists on
> proper firewalling techniques, etc, on this matter
> is greately
> appreciated.

  If you need further profesional assistance with this part we can help you. 
Just email me privatelly.


Jaime Nebrera - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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