Hello Charles,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Charles Steinkuehler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Victor Berdin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 8:07 PM
Subject: Re: [leaf-user] Safe transparent proxying via DS1.02 and

> Victor Berdin wrote:
> <snip>
> > At present I'm scouring the net for info on how to go about with
> > This is really embarassing as I had no idea that having an open
> > server is a no-no. (http://theproxyconnection.com/openproxy.html)
> > But it is my requirement to allow EVERYBODY to be able to access
> > my web server in the private net.
> > Perhaps some more squid howto is the answer. But further tips on
> > tightening a firewall is also very much welcome (TIA).
> If you *REALLY* want to do this using a proxy like squid, you need
> put appropriate access rules in place.
> Start by denying everything.
> Then enable access *ONLY* to your local web server for all IP's.
> Finally, you can enable general access for users on your local lan,
> necessary.
> I'm not a squid guru, but the info on setting this up should be in
> squid documentation and/or various HOWTOs.  I suggest you start with
> access control section of the squid manual:
> http://squid.visolve.com/squid24s1/access_controls.htm
> Looks like you can control access based on source IP, destination,
> protocol...everything you need to lock down the proxy to *JUST*
> access to your local server, rather than the internet in general.
> -- 
> Charles Steinkuehler

But it is my requirement that I allow both public and private,
them to a specific web server in my private net. I think I've got
it with hints from Jaime. Need to test further though before raising
it up again in the harsh public environment ;o)

- Vic

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