Steve Allen scripsit:

> If there is something not clear in the presentation on
> I would be obliged to know about it.

It's very clear and useful.  But:

> At Torino the proponents of omitting leap seconds supposed that the
> governments of the world might handle this situation using leap hours
> introduced into civil time by occasionally omitting the annual ``spring
> forward'' change to jump to summer/daylight time. However there are
> serious questions raised by the notion of a leap hour. Given that the
> first leap hour would not happen for centuries, it is not clear that any
> systems (legal or technological) would build in the necessary complexity
> for handling it.

Systems already have existing mechanisms for handling large secular changes in
LCT.  There are many places that adjust their daylight time mechanisms on
a yearly basis anyhow.

Where the wombat has walked,            John Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
it will inevitably walk again.

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