> But I would not worry about making the lives of contributors
> easier [since they come & go]. I would worry about making the
> lives of core devs easier, since their number is rarely
> changing, and they have to put in the effort.

An example of wording you may wish to re-examine. This is exactly
why contributors come and go, they're clearly not always as
welcome as you might like to claim they are.

For the actual issue, I _completely_ understand wanting to close
all the old issues, but given that it's a oneoff, please do it
manually, rather than just blanket closing them all.

The "auto close after x months" or "auto close when reported
distro has reached EOL" is a _massssive_ turnoff for people
reporting bugs and submitting patches. Submitting something,
having it be ignored for x months, and then just closed is....
practical yes, but you're going to struggle to get anyone new
permanently like that.

Karl Palsson

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