On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 8:09 PM, John Wiegley <jwieg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Simon Michael <simon-jbxitmbj2llqt0dzr+a...@public.gmane.org> writes:
>> PS I'm not aware of any serious problem with the way I/hledger relates with
>> the ledger community.. if anyone is, please let's discuss.
> I think hledger, and all that has gone on around it, has been a great
> companion to Ledger's goals and progress.

I concur.

It's also very reassuring to see multiple actively supported
implementations of the same functionality that uses the same file
format.  In many ways, it's probably safer using ledger format files
to store your financial data than a 3rd party tool that only has one
implementation which may be closed source.

This can also apply to the variety of unix kernels, or programming
language implementations - more tools that do "the same thing"
slightly differently provides choice and the ability to test design
decisions in multiple directions simultaneously.

- Zack

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