On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 1:03 PM, Brian Exelbierd <b...@pobox.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 18, 2017, at 05:34 PM, o1bigtenor wrote:
>> Greetings
>> I have been using ledger-cli for a number of years and it works and
>> that is very good (even though most would view my grasp of the whole
>> project is poor (I've learned to do what I need to do and nothing
>> else)).
>> Am in the process of starting another business and doing my
>> bookkeeping is something that I would like to delegate. There are two
>> things that would impede this idea.
>> 1. Business use of personal expenses. This means that for something
>> like a vehicle expense its not just charged to a account instead it
>> goes to 4 accounts.
>>     1.  business portion to a business account
>>     2.  personal portion to a personal account
>>     3.  taxes associated with the business portion go to a business
>>     account
>>     4.  taxes associated with the personal portion go to a personal
>>     account
>> What makes it more challenging is that the percentages are different
>> for different things. The same rule is used for the same item at
>> different times but there are a number of different items and the
>> percentages are different between the items. There may even be a
>> change in those percentages over time if my logging shows that the
>> business use portion changes.
>> Presently I do this using percentages that I store mentally and then I
>> use a calculator to calculate the amounts for each of the value
>> (corresponding to different account connected to each item). Looking
>> for a way to enter item into say one account and then ledger morphs
>> things into all the connected accounts in question. (I'm told this is
>> part of what is called cost accounting.)
> I don't have a lot to add here as I don't need ledger to do this.  It
> seems like this is something where you will need to teach the rules to
> your bookkeeper and have them apply them.  I don't think ledger could do
> this automatically.  If the rules are fairly fixed and their application
> is fairly predictable, you might be able to set up some Automated
> transactions to trigger them based on a tag.
> I think part of your question is "How do I get the personal part into my
> personal bookkeeping without giving my bookkeeper all of my personal
> files?"  If this is the case, I think could store your personal files
> somewhere only you can get to and use an include directive to include
> the relevant business files.  You'll probably get a little bit of
> business cruft in your reports, but you may be able to exclude it by
> using a 'not' expression.

Its not the 'personal' part that I'm concerned about - -- its the math. I
do a lot of the math in my head (use the calculator to calculate 1
number and then do the addition/subtraction in my head - - - have
found that few people do things this way and there are a lot of places
to make mistakes - - - that's the primary reason I want to automate
this part.
>> Secondly - - - with saving things into a text file there doesn't seem
>> to be any way of using ledger-cli say in a multi-user kind of fashion.
>> I.e. one person perhaps entering invoices another checking for
>> payments (or not) or perhaps even more. Not sure if this is at all
>> practical and/or doable but thought I would toss the question out
>> there.
> We are in the process of adopting ledger for the Fedora Project, a large
> Open Source project.  We wanted a way to have multiple treasurers, card
> holders, and others all contributing to a single set of books.  What we
> have done is put our files in a git repository.  We divided the
> transactions into multiple files by relationship (relevant to our
> spending habits) to minimize the likelihood of having simultaneous
> edits.  However, by using git we are able to ensure that if there is two
> people edit and create a conflict, it gets flagged and someone has to
> sort it out.
> I hope to publish a blog soon on how the system works (it is actually
> pretty simple) and how our automated reporting works.

Interesting - -- now if I could run git completely in house (so far
I've only used
it as a repository for other people's software stuff) then that would be
interested. I am not interested in my financial information being on the
web rather I want all of that on a very controlled protected system.

Thanking you for your suggestions!



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