If I change the periodic transaction block from `Monthly in 2018/02` to
`Monthly` it works as I expect. I plan to revisit and tweak my budget every
month but later I wanted to go back and say "did I meet my budget for
February" so I wanted to keep the budget I used for 02/18 around in my
ledger rather than having a single `Monthly` block that I adjust every

Is there a better way for me to set those transactions up?


Mark Thurman

On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 9:58 PM, Mark Thurman <mthur...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I just started setting up ledger on 2/12 by copying all of my bank account
> balances. I have some idea of what I want my monthly budget to be so I set
> that up at the top of the file. I didn't want to go back and add all my
> February transactions, but there are a few budget categories that I would
> like to start tracking (without waiting for March) so I tried backfilling
> them. I see all the transactions I expect with regular commands, but using
> `budget` it seems like it's missing a transaction. Am I doing something
> wrong? Or is there a bug here? Here's a simpler reproducible case:
> $ cat ~/Dropbox/money/test.ledger
> ~ Monthly in 2018/02
>   Expenses:House:Rent  $500.00
>   Expenses:Kids:Daycare  $300.00
>   Assets
> 2018/02/09 Backfill txns for budget purposes
>   Expenses:House:Rent  $500
>   Assets:Mark:WF:Checking
> 2018/02/10 Backfill txns for budget purposes2
>   Expenses:Kids:Daycare  $300
>   Assets:Joint:WF:Checking
> 2018/02/11 Opening Balance
>   Assets:Mark:WF:Checking                = $1000
>   Assets:Joint:WF:Checking               = $1300
>   Equity:Opening Balances
> $ ledger -f ~/Dropbox/money/test.ledger bal
>             $2300.00  Assets
>             $1300.00    Joint:WF:Checking
>             $1000.00    Mark:WF:Checking
>            $-3100.00  Equity:Opening Balances
>              $800.00  Expenses
>              $500.00    House:Rent
>              $300.00    Kids:Daycare
> --------------------
>                    0
> $ ledger -f ~/Dropbox/money/test.ledger budget
>            0     $-800.00      $800.00     0  Assets
>      $500.00      $800.00     $-300.00   62%  Expenses
>      $500.00      $500.00            0  100%    House:Rent
>            0      $300.00     $-300.00     0    Kids:Daycare
> ------------ ------------ ------------ -----
>      $500.00            0      $500.00     0
> Thanks,
> Mark
> --
> ---
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