>>>>> "o" == o1bigtenor  <o1bigte...@gmail.com> writes:

o> Maybe I'm just slow but I can't think of how to write things so that I can
o> do all the things I need to do to an invoice. (tracking, aging, closing,
o> etc etc) in ledger. There may be some way but I'm not seeing it.

o> Maybe trying to add this to ledger would stretch it out of shape? I hope
o> not - - - I like the way it works. Just need to be able to do AR. Ledger
o> does AP very very well so how do I bend my brain to get AR thinking
o> working?

Sometimes, rather than fitting the idea into ledger, it's better to fit ledger
into the idea. Imagine what higher level syntax would be best to express
invoicing, and then write a tool to publish a Ledger file from this syntax for
your reporting needs. I'm doing that right now for stock trades, which are
possible to track in Ledger but far too verbose, yet it's not too hard to
imagine a convenient syntax plus some extra math that wouldn't be right to add
directly into Ledger itself.



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