> I will admit to populating my ledger file with say my most common 
> transactions.
> So the power bill, the phone bill, the ISP bill and the like.
> This means that for 2022 there are some 6 bills already entered.
> Now when the actual information is entered there are changes - - - sometimes
> the date (sometimes that doesn't change - - - grin!), the amount and the
> payee.  Then there are the times I find an invoice in the wrong place - - - so
> it was paid in say April and I find it in October and then its time to
> enter the information. It might be challenging to maintain a consecutive
> numbering scheme.
> Any ideas?

I *don't* do this (neither what you describe above nor what I describe here) but
I think you could use transaction state: 

Something along the lines of: when you receive the statement, or if you know 
always dated the first of the month, just tag it as pending (i.e. '!') and set
the code to something like "(#TBD)".  When you pay the bill later, or get
around to updating your ledger, update it with the actual id number from the
invoice or the canceled check number, and also update the state to cleared
(i.e. '*').  At any time you could run a report with --pending to see the list
of transactions you still need to update.

If the order id numbers are something you are responsible for generating, I
wouldn't try to make ledger responsible for generating/maintaining them.  I
would use something else external to ledger to generate those, and then just
copy those into ledger.  But that's not something I currently have to worry
about, so I am not talking from personal experience.


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