The fact all libdems are for it should tell you more.

Here is my view on it all;

1. It is more complicated, therefore will be more expensive to administer.
Government already costs too much.
2. "It is more representative as the winner would need > 50% of the vote".
Total bollocks.  Consider this scenario.  First round vote Labour 49%,
Conservative 49%, Libdem 2%.  Second choice for all conservative/labour
voters = libdem as they don't want the other lot in.  Libdem get voted in
despite only 2% actually wanting them in originally.  
3. "It makes our mps work harder".  What?  If the constituency is a 'normal'
town, you will have a set amount of died in the wool party voters, lets say
25% labour, 25% tory, 15% libdem.  It doesn't matter what the mp for that
place does, those 50% others will not vote for them regardless, and most
vote for the colour, not local issues.  I don't want my MP spending half his
term going round trying to woo concessions out of voters, I want them to be
representing me in parliament.  If they aren't concentrated on that then
lets get rid of all MPs and be done with it.

I understand the libdem desire for PR, and that makes sense democratically
however impractical it actually is.  AV however is NOT PR, and not even a
step on the road to PR.  A situation where an MP is not elected despite
getting 49% of the popular vote, where all the others only get 15% each max
but 51% amongst them is not more representative.  A situation where some
numbskull who votes BNP can influence/decide the local MP on their second
vote is equally objectionable.  Apart from anything else, why do they get 2
votes, and the rest of us just 1?

Put it in football terms, teams wouldn't get promoted based on league
position, they would get promoted based on points gained compared with all
the other teams in the league.  So Leeds finish second in the league next
season, on goal difference vs Cardiff (wouldn't that be sweet!), but we
don't get promoted because we need to finish at least 5 points ahead of 3rd

It was a NO for me!

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Simon Hart
Sent: 29 April 2011 00:21
To: 'Damian Walsh'; 'leedslist'
Subject: Re: [LU] non LU AV

It appears all the politicians are against it, which tells me it must be a
good thing.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Damian Walsh
Sent: 28 April 2011 23:25
To: leedslist
Subject: [LU] non LU AV

I know that the list was neutered a long time ago and LPC sensibilities
means we can only openly discuss RW's will he _ wont he homoerotic love-in
with our Argy striker. But I actually enjoyed those heady days when the list
was just like a conversation in a pub and we could opinionate to our hearts

Tant pis, c'est comme ca....

Are any of you going to vote in the referendum? Do you care? Should we care?

Obviously answers on a postcard please because my lesbian Aunt Fanny (Uncle
John if she had balls...) would be terribly upset at a publically expressed


Ireland for the Irish
Palestine for the Palestinians
Combrailles for the Auvergnats and fck the Montluconois

I think I should have put a simely somewhere but I dropped it and it got all
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