To try and tie the thread back together again - given that our politics have
followed a traditional Buck house govt. v Carlton house opposition since the
Hannovarians took us over (Symbiosis or Parasitism depending on yr POV ;))
are we entering into a world analogous to the dotage of Georg III with the
arrival of the D of Cantab on the scene? Does this explain the Lib Dems rise
to power? Am I just bored completely out of my skull waiting for a plane
that's still 3 hrs away :(


PS on my way to a veterans tournament in Montpelier, case full of Slivovitz
and Pilsner Urquell after a week in Praha - expecting to lose about 6kg this
weekend (the case, not me...). Was my mistake forgetting to tell the wife
face to face and doing it by phone from the hotel?
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