I go to the hustings. Have you ever been

I simply cannot bring myself to vote for Sir John Stanley , he is not right 
wing enough, so I abstain.

As I want grammar schools Im actually in favour of council taxes being 
increased ! 
I want my local services and Im very happy to pay. I use the mobile library a 
lot and my bin gets empties and the potholes are filled. No complaints at all
Tonbridge and malling are wonderful

My other half works for the NHS. Damned hard. I just believe that the budget 
needs to be reined in. I se no point in giving ninety year olds their second 
hip replacement.
The NHS has hits merits and its problems. I choose not to use it , be don't 
make me  a pariah for that choice !

Tax, I think that the 50p rate was unfair and this had ben cut to 45. A step in 
the right direction. many people I know just left the country and took their 
business with them.

Cold winter payment should be means tested. My nest door neighbour laughs about 
using his to heat the pool. That disgusts me.

Do you wish t make any more errors of judgement ? Aren't you mission Jeremy 
Kyle or something ?

On 27 Feb 2013, at 10:42, Paul Cundell wrote:

> Rob wrote:
>> Nope. But I will about anything that affects me adversely
> And now you've declared yourself as one of life's whingers.
> Typical of today's lazy capitalist, who wants everything on a plate but
> doesn't want to work or pay for it.
> Complain about potholes in the road whilst moaning about council tax going
> up.
> Wants a decent NHS but wants tax cuts too.
> Thinks the welfare state is for scroungers till his mother get's her cold
> winter payment.
> Take take take and put nowt back that is today's greedy capitalist and that
> is the impression I'm getting of you.
> Won't even get off your ar*e and put a cross in a box.

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