So...trying to plan a trip over for the Fulham and QPR home games (March 18th 
and 21st). Really hard to plan ahead when the question of tickets is so up in 
the air. I really want to book accommodation and flights from the US but am 
wary to do so if we really have little chance of tickets. Can anyone help?
   - Is there anyone on the list who is a season ticket holder or who knows one 
who will not be going to one or both of these games? Both myself and my son who 
just turned 18 would be looking for tickets.
   - Do you know when the tickets for both games will go on sale? I know to buy 
online we will need a gold membership each and hope to get tickets together if 
at all.
   - Is it a BIG risk to just book and hope? I know there seems to be tickets 
floating about but never sure how many or how easy to come by.
Many thanks for any help.
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