Agree re lack of creativity with Adams/ McKennie , not sure if Roca is the 
answer.  I do think our subs, for once,  helped us, both Summerville and Rutter 
had good cameos . I criticised Rutter in u21s but he did well yesterday,  not 
the finished article but showed glimpses that he could make an impact,  and 
Summerville who I have always liked was on fire before his injury and has been 
a bit overlooked with the emergence of Gnonto.  Add Sinisterra to that mix and 
we will have game changers on the pitch and on the bench. Get Bamford scoring 
and things may just be ok.
 Lots of points to play for and lots of twists and turns and other cliches but 
things feel better with a win and a manager who, more by luck than judgement 
perhaps,  could be exactly who we need
    On Sunday, 26 February 2023 at 11:31:53 GMT, Simon McNally 
<> wrote:  
 Not much to add to that Dave.I thought we looked far more controlled in 
possession, apparently our pass success rate what 85% which is higher than in 
any of the games Marsch managed.I was pleased that we avoided giving away any 
daft free kicks near the box for Ward Prowse to exploit.I think this is also 
the only time I can remember where we’ve been leading by a goal going into 
injury time and haven’t given up a single chance.Still question marks about a 
few of our players, specifically Aaronson and Harrison but on the plus side, 
Koch dominated their 6’7” forward abd Wober was excellent again. There’s not 
much creativity in the Adams / McKennie partnership but they are very difficult 
to play through. Both very quick to close down and tackle. I wonder what Gracia 
does when Roca is fully fit - maybe he plays instead of Aaronson and McKennie 
plays at 10.It’s easy to get carried away after winning but Southampton we’re 
truly awful.Hopefully we put up a good showing in the cup and take some good 
form to Chelsea next week.
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Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2023 10:59:32 AM
To: leeds list <>
Subject: [LU] Southampton - WE WON We won !  I love saying that so I will 
repeat it , we won , a premier league game in 2023, ok we were poor or to quote 
a Belfast Saints fan on our train " Leeds were fucking shit" , but they were 
worse, and even more importantly we WON
Not the prettiest of games and apart from  the goal by unlikely hero Junior  
Firpo it is very forgettable but all that counted was the final score and we 
They were the typical bottom half team full of timewasting,  shit housing and 
faking  injury - 3 times in the first half a saints player went down hurt, got 
helped off but was fit to return the second he passed the white line,  it must 
have magic healing powers.  The ref not only fell for it but only added one 
minute at the end of the half. Strangely all that changed in the 78th minute 
when suddenly they were running off the pitch to help retrieve the ball, 
amazing what conceding a goal does 
We pretty  much dominated the whole game  but struggled to create real clear 
chances,  Ayling volleyed wide and over from a tight angle,  Harrison ( poor 
again) hit over, aaronson pulled a weak shot wide, Mckennie also volleyed over 
and Bamford forget altogether that he is allowed to shoot / try to score.
Perhaps our best opportunity came when Bamford harried the defender and  
mckennie did well to take the ball off them and burst forward with Aaronsson 
alongside him. He could have shot himself,  would have been easy to get on  
target but he chose to lay it off to aaronson,  not necessarily the worse 
decision but the execution was awful and he passed behind him and the chance 
went begging.  Even worse they ended up having their only shot of the half as 
they got a breakaway after aaronson lost the ball 
The fans were pretty much solidly behind the team and gave them every 
encouragement although there was a very nervous feel to it all and plenty of 
groans as Harrison and Bamford had shockers.  Koch and Wober were untroubled at 
the back however and 0 0 started to look like it was nailed on, a result that 
would not have helped us.
Then some quality,  Summerville had the ball out wide by the corner flag ( are  
you watching Jesse?)  and hemmed in by two players put a lovely ball through to 
Harrison,  who redeemed himself a bit with a lovely back heel to Firpo who took 
one touch then lashed it home,  ok maybe not lashed but he shot on target and 
the ball trickled through a defender and under the keeper.  Cue absolute 
pandemonium,  the crowd went wild, " junior Firpo s name reverberated around ER.
Could we hang on, could we get a second ? The first  bit was easy as they 
offered nothing and the clock ran down.  As for a second goal a flick on by 
Rutter set Summerville free and his shot flew just wide , at 0 0 he would have 
got stick for not passing to the unmarked Harrison but at 1 up with seconds to 
go we forgave him. The final whistle went and we had won. The after match 
atmosphere was amazing , singing on the bus and proper party time at Moots 
Hall, incredible how a win makes everything great ( did I mention we WON)

So not the greatest, but 3 points was all that mattered and we got them all. So 
out of the bottom 3. The new manager has work to do but this gives him a 
platform,  we need more from Bamford,  Harrison needs to get back to his best, 
aaranson still needs to bulk up, and Mckennie and Adams need to shoot more, but 
in a game we had to win, we WON and for a few days at least all is well with 
the world 
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Dave Dowden, a legend, a Totty Twin, a pie man! R.I.P.  
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