Bill Rhodes wrote:
Thanks to all who responded to my request for help and advice. I have spent the last day or so checking them all out.


question is, will it or any of the other for sale OCR's do a better job than the FreeOCR, or do they all work the same and produce innaccurate copies that have to be "cleaned up"? If Abbyy frexpress produces fairly clean & accurate copies it might be worth the $50.



I have tried several OCR programs, both free and commercial. Believe it or not I found that FreeOCR did the best of all of them. An old document may give errors but it will with all the OCR engines.

With FreeOCR you can select a section of the document and enlarge it some. I have found that this sometimes helps with the accuracy. The fact that it has an original window and an edit window also saves having to use Transcript, another useful program.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer & Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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