The answer is touched on in the article, but to be blunt:
- Pocket Genealogist if you have (or want) Windows Mobile
- GenStar Pro if you have (or want) Palm OS
After that, there are lots of features and factors,  e.g.
- Size and format of screen, etc, of the  smartphone
- Pocket allows update/syncing of device; GenStar  does not.
- etc.


Michael J  Method
phone= 317-284-1303 
family research of: Method,  Feehily, Fredrick, Herzog, tenEyck, Belsley 

In a message dated 8/11/2009 1:29:14 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

I've just read "Bring your Legacy file with you" on the Legacy News  page.  
Does anyone in the group have experience with Pocket Genealogist or  
GedStar Pro?  I have a Palm ES2, but I am contemplating the purchase of a  new 
cellphone with the thought of reducing my "gadgets" so that I just have  one 
mobile device.
Is there anyone on the group using either one of these programs on a  
cellphone?  If so, which one, and how well does it work with  Legacy?  I would 
like to be able to carry my information with me and be  able to easily sync 
with my desktop computer when I return home.  
I understand that Pocket Genealogist may be the best, but I'm restricted  
to AT&T as my carrier, but I'm not so sure about the quality of the  Windows 
mobile based cellphones.
Or - would it be better for me to keep my Legacy on GedStar  Pro on my Palm 
and have a separate cellphone?
I hope this will be considered on topic, since my whole purpose is being  
able to carry Legacy with me in the field.  Any advice?
Thanks in advance,
Dede  Holden

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