I am currently running Legacy on a very old desktop with only 1GB of physical memory. I usually have 8-12 windows open running almost that many separate applications and I've never had a memory problem. Let me restate that -- my computer has never had a memory problem.

MJ Harper wrote:
At 04:17 PM 8/11/2009, you wrote:

Dede, I realize this isn't exactly what you're asking, but as someone who finds all PDA-type devices too small (and too expensive when the higher cell phone access fees are considered), laptops too big, and thinks a cell-phone should be used for phone calls, I have been quite happy with my new "netbook." It is inexpensive, lightweight, fits easily in my bag or large purse, has a reputed 9 hour battery life (and comes close in actual practice) ...

This is very interesting to read. I've just been to two different computer stores looking at netbooks vs. laptops, and in both I was told that the netbooks have too little RAM memory to support Legacy. The netbooks I was viewing had 2 GB of memory, but I'm told the basic architecture and software sets take up about 1 GB of that memory just to have the machine function. So that adding a large program like Legacy will take me up to the maximum capacity and run me right on the edge. Is this not true?

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