I have seen this happen in my file too - and I am 95% sure I reported it,
but I might not have.  (And when I say reported it - I mean to support.)
I have a woman who had some kids illigit - and I don't know the father.
 Then she married and had a few more.  (just to make it more complicated, he
was married before and had kids before too.... but that doesn't affect
this.)  He died, and then a number of years later, she had another child -
and the only place a father is mentioned, it is the long-deceased
husband.... so it appears that he was illigit too.

I don't use people named unknown - I just let the program put in unknown.

So I have the first children linked to mom, with an auto-generated unknown
Then the next children linked to her and her husband
The last child linked to mom, with a different auto-generated unknown

When viewing the family with the mom and either of the unknown fathers, the
children of the other unknown father are not shown.  They all show up
correctly when viewing the family of the mom and her husband.

As I only have this situation once in my own files, and it is a family I am
working with a lot, I just remember the little bug.  To me it is more of an
annoyance than anything, as I find the show 1/2 kids as a huge bonus I had
never expected or had in any other program i have used.

These people were entered a LONG time ago, so I don't remember the order I
used to enter them or link them - but I'm not sure that matters.

On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 10:57 AM, Thena Jones <tsjone...@verizon.net> wrote:

> Hello,
> Not all of the half-siblings appear in children's lists of the mother's 5
> Family Views. I have selected to "show 1/2 kids." This is a complicated
> family and I hope I am clear about this.
> (I am using version, on Windows Vista.)
> When I bring up the mother's Spouse list and select either of the entries
> for "unknown", one of the children - one of the 2 daughters - disappears
> from the children list.

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