Only if the bug bothers you.  I was just letting the original poster know
that it was not just an anomaly of their database, but that it exists
elsewhere.  I see no reason why I can't have 2 unknown "fathers" (auto
created) associated with the mother and kids as that was the situation.  I
have seen no other problems show up with these families - and for me it is a
minor annoyance that I would rather have then to create actual records for
the fathers.  That was a decision I made when I first noticed the problem,
and I chose not to make the records for the unknown fathers.
As a programmer (not of Legacy), I can even see how this bug would likely
have occurred in code - or in the logic used to create the list of 1/2 kids.
- It is a problem that does not bother me.  I let support know about it but
it isn't a high priority to me.

Just wanted to let the poster know that they are not alone in seeing it.

But thanks Ron, for going to the effort of recreating it and coming up with
the work around.

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 10:12 PM, ronald ferguson <> wrote:

> Heather,
> Please see my response to the OP. When there are more than one unknown
> fathers it is necessary to specifically use the name "Unknown" (or anything
> else) for *both* unknowns.

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