At 01:40 PM 3/9/2010, you wrote:
>So then what are Ridings?
Ridings are a political designation that may or may not have any
relevancy for genealogy purposes.. A riding is allocated according to
the number of people living in an area and can change at the whim of
the federal or provincial government in power. Usually, MPs or
MLA(for the uninitiated an MP is a Member of Parliament(federal)
while an MLA is a Member of the Legislative Assembly(provincial)
represent a specific geographic area containing about(I think )
1,000,000 people.. The geographic area covered can change( and often
does) if the government in power perceives that a different
combination might give the ruling party a stronger power base. The
most recent reallocation of Federal ridings occurred a few years ago
(after the 2001 census)when the number of seats in the house of
Parliament reached 308. The next revision will occur after the next
census. Currently there are 107 seats in the Provincial legislative
assembly(for Ontario). Conceivably our ancestors could have lived in
MANY different ridings  and never changed their physical residence.
I'm not sure I understand why recording the riding in which they
lived would have any value if you already have the physical
address...which you would HAVE to have in order to know the riding.

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