Jan Roberts wrote:
> You might be able to guess from my recent questions that I am
> generating a lot of reports at the moment and have come across what
> appears to be another problem.  I have noticed that some of my
> sources in the reports do not show the source details.  For instance,
> a Master Source is 'Research of Another (Email)'.  Despite having
> selected (in Options > Sources) for the text and details and comments
> to be printed all I am getting is 'Research of Another (Email)' in
> some cases.  Yet the actual source will have in the Detail the name
> and email address of the sender and date of the email.  Sometimes I
> will add the actual text to the Text Comments screen,  but this
> detail doesn't always appear in reports.  And yes, I have selected
> 'Include this Citation on Reports' AND 'Add this detail to the
> citation on Reports'.
> For example, this particular source has a certificate number in the
> Source Detail box, but this is what prints:
>     32.  Extract of Marriage Register, Extract of Marriage Register,
> Cit. Date: 24 May 2010.
> Can anyone else verify that this happens to them too, or is it just my
> system?  Using Deluxe.
> And while I'm at it - Tim from Support has acknowledged there is a
> problem with "Someone", but look what appeared today in a report:
> Edith Edith never married and had no children.  Herbert W
> INGERSOLL [791] [MRIN: 264], son of James INGERSOLL [6095]
> It should read Edith married Herbert W INGERSOLL etc. etc.
> Cheers
> Jan


When adding comments etc to a source whether the Master or Detail one must
ensure that the boxes on the source itself are also checked. Having said
that, I have noticed some variation in the way inwhich data is presented/or
not. Consequently, I always check the display on the right of the source
boxes before I "sign it off" as being OK.

I cannot really comment on your second point, but have you checked for a
marriage to an unknown or a ghost marriage?

Ron Ferguson

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