
I take it that by "appropriate place" you mean the AKAs ie. the three headed
icon in Family View. I'm not sure that one can call any of these the
"preferred", although I guess one can apply this to the first on the list.

Not being LDS myself I have no idea of the search criteria for the NFS, but
it is possible for one to swap an AKA with the main name, and I expect that
as with other searches, Legacy will use whatever is in the main name field
for searching. So, to answer your question swap the AKA which you wish to
use with the one currently in that field.

Ron Ferguson

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Includes the family tree for Alan J Grimshaw
And the Fergusons of N.W. England

Kathy Meyer wrote:
> Good point! Haven't heard any questions/answers at all on the LUG,
> which again makes me wonder if it's very active.
> I have a question, I actually have loads of questions, but in the
> interest of simply changing the subject here goes:
> How do you handle alternate names?  I enter all my alternate names &
> spellings in the appropriate place and I know you can make one of
> those names the "preferred"; is there a way for those to be more
> obvious?  Most of the time the different spellings are on different,
> equally important documents and I want to be prompted to research
> using all of them.  I suppose I could change the items that show up on
> family view to include the AKAs, but does anyone have a better system?
> This is especially a concern with the NFS because I believe Legacy
> uses the primary name as the one to search NFS for matches.  So then
> how would I search NFS for alternate names?
> Thanks anyone/everyone who might give me a little insight :-) Kathy

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