It's not just HTML messages from Gmail..

To quote from the Legacy User Group guidelines:

Please only send messages in plain text format, because:

1. HTML format messages require more server space for archiving than
plain text messages.
2. HTML messages can hide viruses.
3. HTML messages will increase a message's Spam rating by Spam
blocking software.
4. It takes longer for persons with dial-up connections to download
HTML messages.
5. Some older e-mail readers display HTML messages by including
hypertext code, which makes them hard to read.
6. Some people with visual impairment may have difficulty reading
messages with colored text or tinted backgrounds.

For help with sending in messages in plain text format, please visit

Technical Support
Legacy Family Tree

On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 10:26 AM, marilyn E B <> wrote:
> Can someone explain why the HTML in gmail is so offensive? It will go
> through on Roots Web lists and there are no complaints.

> Marilyn

Legacy User Group guidelines:

Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:

Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:

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