When I first get a fact, I add the source which defines that fact.  E.G.
  A census says that someone was x years old which means they were born
about 1856 or whatever.

If I get more sources which give the same information, I usually ignore
them, for that fact.  E.G.  several censuses all suggest "born abt
1856".  However, if the second census has a more accurate place of birth
(say "Sheffield" rather than the previous census which said
"Yorkshire"), then I'll adjust the data and add the source.

When I get a more accurate definition, maybe a birth registration which
says that the birth was registered in the Dec Qtr 1855, I change the
date to 1855 and add this source, leaving the original in place.

If I eventually get a birth certificate which says "born 17th Nov 1855",
then I change the date again and add this source.

I never delete a source or alter the order in which they appear on the
fact, as that records the order in which I found the information and
means that, should I eventually discover that this person isn't who I
thought it was, I have a trail of why the person is there in the first

One exception is when I convert an old-style source to a Source Writer
Source, I delete the old and add the new, putting it into the original


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