Is this possible?
I have an event I created called "Ancestral town", added to about 200
people, all with the same source.
I am trying to assign abt 80 of them a different source,that's already
in the source list, while keeping it in the same event.
I have the 80 people tagged on "1" that I want to "change" and looked at
advanced sourcing.
I see how to assign a source to people on a tag, for standard data,
But didnt see a way to change a source to an event I created.
Never used advanced sourcing before. Am I missing something?
Basically, I want to "change/overwrite " a source attached to an event I
created to 80 people in a tag list.
Is it even possible to just "add" a source attached to an event I
created to 80 people in a tag list, and I'll manually remove the old source?
Am I hoping for to much? Can this be done another way?

I'd appreciate any help offered
Thanks and take care,

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