This is rapidly getting off topic. I have replied to Peggy privately indicating 
she consider joining the DENMARK rootsweb list, and more importantly letting 
her know that images of Danish church records and census records are available 
online without cost at



Sent: Saturday, 5 May 2012 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Danish Question

About the non-existant 'sources'. If the information 'implies' records came 
from the 'parish' records, then double checking that parishes 'films' is not as 
hard. She may not have had legal access to photocopying equipment at the time, 
so only transcribed what she had access to, and/or was allowed.  Some films are 
locked until the newest person on the record has met the age rule, others have 
been split up to be divided into each year. In the most recent records, most 
are similar in form to US Census Records, in that they have a printed one which 
the recorder filled in the names/facts. There are examples of these online with 
both English and Danish versions.  Get these first.
Good luck

From: Marg Strong <>
Sent: Friday, May 4, 2012 3:02 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Danish Question

John, I want to thank you for the information, though this was mostly for 
Larry. One of my lines came from Denmark. They brought their four children with 
them to Canada, one my great grandmother. I have been in touch with a 
researcher who had help translating some records and she gave me her 
information, but not sources, which she said are in Danish. She seemed 
reluctant to send me the records in the original language, or maybe no longer 
has them. I  read recently that Denmark kept excellent records that are 
wonderful for genealogists. Since I have the names she gave me and the dates 
and locations, I would so much like to find the sources and then try to have 
them translated. Do you or your cousin know how I could get access to those 
records online? Or is there a way I could find out where to write to get them? 
Unfortunately, I would have to write requests in English.

Another problem for me is there were no surnames as we know them. I look at the 
Danish sources on Ancestry and don't know how to connect the dots, even though 
the researcher who gave me the information has explained the naming system. 
However I think that she would have added any sources if they were 
available. She has gone back to our third great grandparents born around 1800. 
(Four individuals). Are the records more difficult to find further back than 
that, do you know?

I hope you don't mind my "interrupting." Anything connected to Denmark catches 
my attention. I find myself wondering how to find relatives now living in 


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