Good idea there Mary, the only problem with that for me is that I have (or will 
have) notes for almost every event, and I have my sentence definitions set up 
in specific ways to capture all 5 fields.
There are times though - like when I'm doing specific research at a library - 
that I need a summary type report that has all of my info in the very basic 
Given that Event Name and Date are both standard widths, but description and 
place can vary greatly, and the list view with all the lines doesn't stay 
uniform in the spacings, I'd puke to be able to mice date to the left.
If the column spacing of that list view remained constant and did a word wrap 
for longer lines rather than pushing the next column further away I'd have no 
problems because the dates would all line up with each other.


On 08/09/2013, at 7:39 AM, "Mary Fowler Leek" <> wrote:

> Kathy,
> You can get something like what you want by altering ONE event sentence for 
> the event.
> The example I used was the Immigration Event and the entered information will 
> read in the order you requested …
> Event Name - Date - Location - Description
> I altered  one sentence definition for “if only date and place entered”
> …by removing the default fields and entering
> [EventName] - [Date] - [Place] - [Notes] [Sources]
> When the information is entered in the sequence you requested,  it would read 
> in your report as:
> Immigration - 1 Jan 1932 - New York - by ship
> The key here is to NOT fill in the Description field in the Event but to move 
> the Description to the notes.
> If you thought it might be difficult to remember just how you set it up, you 
> could even save this event to a new name such as Immigration Summary, leaving 
> the default Immigration event intact in case you ever wanted to use it with 
> full features. If you saved it to a new name, just turn off the Description 
> Box, which would force you to remember to put your description in the notes.
> Mary
> From: Kathy Thompson []
> Sent: Friday, September 06, 2013 6:35 AM
> To:
> Subject: [LegacyUG] Reports - Event Formatting
> Is there any way of re-organising the order in which the List Style 
> formatting of the Events displays in the reports?
> At the moment it displays in columns
> Event Name - Description - Date - Location
> I'd like to be able to move Description after Location so that I have
> Event Name - Date - Location - Description
> Is this possible? If so, where am I missing the (probably obvious) settings 
> for this to happen?
> Thanks
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