You need to decide for yourself if you are going to conform to the four-field convention for locations, or not. There are good arguments for both.

I'm a non-conformist in this regard. I use as many commas as are needed to record the place I have at hand at the time, and I don't use commas to mark an empty field. This means I have locations recorded with variations in the number of fields, including simple a country:

New Zealand

or just a region/county and country:

Yorkshire, England
Waikato, New Zealand

or even down to a street address (since I choose to not use the Address fields in many cases):

126 Mays Road, St Albans, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand
125 Great Saffron Hill, Holborn, London, England
4 Wellington Court, Albion Road, Hammersmith, London, England

When you're looking at the Master Locations, you can choose to sort right-to-left (smallest unit first), or left-to-right, which is very handy for grouping together all the locations in the same country, then the same region/county/state (depending on the country in question).

Have a think about what YOU want to see in YOUR database, and work from there.

Hope this helps.  :-)


Jennifer Hardess wrote on 2/04/2017 13:27:

I am trying to tidy up my locations / place name list. I notice that if I only have 2 or 3 names in a sequence e.g. London, England or Horsham, Victoria, Australia I end up with a comma or two before the place in the master location list. I have my

Master location list starting with the Country e.g. England. I need advice as to how I can eradicate that comma. Is there a “standards list”

I can refer to somewhere? Especially for I add the county name or whatever? I have tried looking up the place name on the internet e.g. using Wikipedia but often “Hundred” or borough is quoted in the information.

I am in Australia & it is very confusing, & time-consuming!

Thanks, Jen Hardess


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