
So long as you have entered data consistently you can Edit the Event Sentence Definitions so that they make sense for your data entry. Note there are 8 sentences for an Event to reflect the different fields you may leave blank. Then there are similar sentences for each role when you use Shared Events. They can all be edited. The key is to enter your data consistently. This mainly relates to the Description field.


Martha Graham wrote:

Hi Brian,
You are right, I must have unticked the boxes for the rtf when I was
playing with the settings.

I am also unhappy with the wording concerning the events. I cannot get
them right no matter what I do. Some of them make no sense at all.

Holy Moly! I just found the dreaded /par on one of my files.
But what is weird is that the report I just finished tweaking did not
have it.

I did a copy and paste from the event, copied it into to Notepad,
re-pasted back into event notes and they are still there.

What next?



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