Recent family tree files and pdfs of reports are not showing up in the
proper location.

I googled “files not showing up in Windows Explorer and found this:

The correct answer is because of the "VirtualStore." Programs are permitted
to write to their "Program Files" folder for legacy reasons, but they do
not have privileges to do so, so they get transparently redirected to
"C:\Users\"User"\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)" This
causes the files a program saves to its Program Files folder to appear
there WHEN IN THAT PROGRAM(or other programs that have saved to the Program
Files before), but not in Explorer, making you question your sanity.

Here is where my files are:

C:\Users\tomgw\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Legacy9\Data

They should be in C:\Programfiles (x86)\Legacy9\Data

I tried to copy one of the files to the proper location and it said I
needed administrator privileges to do so. What the heck is going on? How do
I fix this and stop it from recurring?

Tom Weiss

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