On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 5:09 PM, Richard Fairhurst <rich...@systemed.net> wrote:
> Simon Poole wrote:
>> That said, I believe P2 now has a tool that will completly replace
>> a node with a new one at the same coordinates which is a bit of
>> a fix for your specific issue.
> Just for clarification - what it actually does is remove the node (in a way)
> and create a new one at your _mouse_ position. You are choosing where to
> create the node. Neither the position nor the tags are inherited from the
> old node.
> (If you've not tried it: select old node, press O.)

does this mean that you can use this technique to lift data off any
map, or just the old osm one?
I am confused, for me it would be copying the position from somewhere.


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