Just as a warning: replacing non-compliant nodes does
not mean just placing another node adjacent to it.
That's copying (or tracing).

This O-trick suggestion invites our members to fraude.

Using this O-trick violates the copyright of the previous
owner, just as copying from google would violate their terms of service.
When replacing (NOT copying) old CC data, you need to
provide proof that the new geo data was obtained by 
NOT copying it from the old CC-BY-CA data, especially in this
license case. This can be done for example by 
adding a source link to a GPS track or a clear
link to BING imagery. Just make sure you DO
trace from BING then, as referring to non-existant
BING data may worsen the copyright status of this data.

Note that the fact of copying a set of nodes this way
would be easy to prove, as any arbitrary choice 
of a set of nodes describing 
a way will never resemble the original set, where
randomly offsetting each node of the original will
strongly resemble the original way.

Gert Gremmen

Openstreetmap.nl  (alias: cetest)
 Before printing, think about the environment. 

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Mike Dupont [mailto:jamesmikedup...@googlemail.com] 
Verzonden: woensdag 16 november 2011 20:14
Aan: Licensing and other legal discussions.
Onderwerp: Re: [OSM-legal-talk] OSM Database Re-Build

On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 5:09 PM, Richard Fairhurst <rich...@systemed.net> wrote:
> Simon Poole wrote:
>> That said, I believe P2 now has a tool that will completly replace
>> a node with a new one at the same coordinates which is a bit of
>> a fix for your specific issue.
> Just for clarification - what it actually does is remove the node (in a way)
> and create a new one at your _mouse_ position. You are choosing where to
> create the node. Neither the position nor the tags are inherited from the
> old node.
> (If you've not tried it: select old node, press O.)

does this mean that you can use this technique to lift data off any
map, or just the old osm one?
I am confused, for me it would be copying the position from somewhere.


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