On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 04:26:28AM -0700, Mikel Maron wrote:
> As long as the purpose of a geocoder is geocoding, and not reverse 
> engineering OSM, 
> then it sensibly fits within the notions of an ODbL produced work.

please, read ODbL...

produced work is
“Produced Work” – a work (such as an image, audiovisual material, text,
or sounds) resulting from using the whole or a Substantial part of the
Contents (via a search or other query) from this Database, a Derivative
Database, or this Database as part of a Collective Database.

and  4.4.c. Derivative Databases and Produced Works. A Derivative Database
is Publicly Used and so must comply with Section 4.4. if a Produced Work
created from the Derivative Database is Publicly Used.

so regardless of the licence used for produced work, there has to be
"You must include a notice associated with the Produced Work reasonably
calculated to make any Person that uses, views, accesses, interacts
with, or is otherwise exposed to the Produced Work aware that Content
was obtained from the Database, Derivative Database, or the Database as
part of a Collective Database, and that it is available under this
License." (4.3.)

and the underlying databases has to be released under an open licence. 

so the real question is which databases does geocoding create. 
clearly it creates a derivative database (select only those lat-lon
which match some of these addresses)

btw, "cp planet.osm.bz2 planet.png" creates a produced work...

michal palenik

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