
   I'm deliberately taking this out of the geocoding context here to
make a point regarding the mixing of OSM and non-OSM data:

On 09/23/2015 01:26 AM, Alex Barth wrote:
> mixing OSM and non-OSM POIs
> should not extend the ODbL to non-OSM POIs and so forth.

What we'd like to avoid is someone making a business of selling "the
better OSM" by adding to our data other, separately curated, proprietary
data, thereby improving OSM without sharing any of the improvements back.

That would enable someone to offer e.g. a "better navigation app" that
was largely based on OSM but had proprietary data improvements, and the
exposure OSM would get from that would be worth nothing as nobody else
could use that same database.

This would be a use case that the license is specifically designed
against and we must take care not to weaken our position here.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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