On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 1:20 PM, Ville M. Vainio <vivai...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 8:37 PM, Edward K. Ream<edream...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >> In summary, the "safe" way to recreate vnode uAs is storing both gnx
> >> and archivedposition. If archivedposition fails, it can still look up
> >> the node by gnx, provided that it has only one node with that gnx. If
> >> it has several, then it's ok to fail.
> >>
> >> But, the only safe uA is the tnode uA...
> >
> > Can we do this for b2? (Might as well make b2 truly memorable :-)  Iirc,
> the
> > code is already somewhere in Leo.  Do have a link to the discussion?
> There is a proto for one version:
> Scripts-->@thin leoScripts.txt-->Prototypes-->pos_to_archive,
> archive_to_pos
> But, this causes more lengthy archived positions than what would be
> usable in xml files (gnx1.gnx2.gnx3...)

Why do we care about the length?

> currently p.archivedPosition gives 1.2.4. Perhaps it should be changed
> to give 1.2.4:gnx. That way, resolveArchivedPosition could remain
> compatible with old archived positions.

Couldn't resolveArchivedPosition be made compatible in either case?

> Shouldn't be too risky - and improving data integrity is worth it.

I agree.

> We
> can still fail if the gnx can't be found in the subtree being scanned
> (like we fail now when the position can't be found).

Sure.  Representation can't make up for truly missing data.


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